Thursday, May 5, 2011

Barbeques II.

103. What I missed out at lunch. Zoe: "So, we were talking about who could take care of the bbq on Sunday. I was proposing you because you attended many in Australia. Then, Charlie said: can she actually look _over_ the bbq??"

104. Even if I don't know what it is, I know it is not what I think it is. Nevertheless, every morning, just before entering the building where I work, I always look at it and think, "There it is, the cutting board!"

105. On the way home from Place Flagey. At the rate of one word per minute, I am telling him, in French, a story. Suddenly, I am confused. 
"C'est J'ai eu tort ou J'avais tort?" 
"J'avais tort."
"D'accord." I continue the story, "J'avais tort. Le-"
"Say it again."
"J'avais tort," I repeat, thinking that I must have mispronounced something.
"Say it again."
"J'avais tort."
"Say it again."
"J'avais t-. Oh." 

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